1. Trial Period
Udzu may offer a complimentary trial period for new subscribers. If you do not cancel your trial at least 24 hours before it ends, your selected payment method will automatically be charged the subscription price displayed at checkout.
2. Subscription Renewal
Udzu subscriptions automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle (weekly, monthly, semi-annual, annual, or another interval selected during purchase) unless canceled before the renewal date.
3. Payment Details
Your subscription payment will be charged to the payment method provided at the time of purchase. By subscribing, you agree to allow Udzu to process recurring charges as per the subscription plan you selected.
4. How to Cancel
Canceling your Udzu subscription disables automatic renewal, but you’ll retain access to all premium features until your current billing period ends. Please note that uninstalling the Udzu app does not cancel your subscription.
- App Store Users: manage your subscription by turning off auto-renewal in your Apple ID account settings. Ensure you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of your trial or subscription period to avoid charges. Detailed guidance can be found on Apple’s support page.
- Google Play Users: Cancel your subscription by disabling auto-renewal in your Google Play account settings. To prevent future charges, make sure to cancel at least 24 hours before the trial or subscription period concludes. Learn more about this process on Google’s support page.
- Subscriptions via Udzu Website: You can cancel your subscription by reaching out to our support team at support@udzutech.com or using the “Cancel Subscription” option in your Udzu account before the current subscription period ends.
5. Subscription Changes
Udzu reserves the right to modify subscription pricing in accordance with applicable laws. Notifications about changes will be sent through the app, email, or other prominent channels. Should you disagree with any new pricing, you may cancel your subscription before the updated rates take effect.
6. Refund Policy
- App Store Purchases: Refunds for App Store transactions must be requested directly through Apple by following their outlined process on the Apple support page.
- Google Play Purchases: Refunds for Google Play transactions must be requested through Google. Please refer to the instructions provided on Google’s support page.
- Udzu Website Purchases: For refunds related to website subscriptions, refer to Udzus Terms of Service. Questions? Contact support@udzutech.com for assistance.
For better subscription management, we recommend saving or taking a screenshot of this policy for future reference.
Last Update: 17 November 2024